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Sixty users have benefited over the last seven months of the project activities implemented by the group santomerano Networks Partner For Integration - Education-Repain- (30/03/2009)

The Director General of Pensions, Assessment and Inclusion Programs, John Brown, has been responsible for closing the current project in Santomera implemented in the municipality through Repain and a grant of 52,000 euros from the Instituto Murciano-IMAS Social Action " .

Sixty students have benefited over the last seven months of this project and vocational training workshops, job skills and counseling services developed by the santomerana socio Repain, social organization annually serves approximately 1,000 users and so far this year has already found a job for thirteen people.

During the ceremony the president of the Commonwealth Social Services Eastern Region, José María Sánchez, has signed with Repain president, Eduardo Garrigues, a collaboration agreement with social services in the commonwealth.

"It is crucial to contribute to the work performed by such entities working selflessly to promote the integration of battered women, immigrants and other disadvantaged groups who are at risk of social exclusion," stressed the president of the association, José María Sánchez.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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