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More than 240 illustrations from five continents arrivals struggle to get one of the prizes of the Fourth International Graphic Humor Contest of 'Santomera 2009' (23/03/2009)

The IV International Graphic Humor Contest of 'Santomera 2009' has broken the record turnout of the previous edition, to the council of Women, Gender and Immigration have reached more than 240 illustrations with the participation of 119 Graphic Designers five continents, with repeated experience countries like China, Uzbekistan and Brazil along with others that are released as Finland and Miami.

With an average of two entries per the council has increased considerably more than the presence of professional graphic designers, about 90% of the pictures received are signed by professionals in this sense the presence of Spanish creative and Murcia has also seen a big improvement.

This year the organization has seen fit to introduce the jury as a social worker, Lola Zaragoza and intercultural mediation, Drizia Boufera, which together with graphic designer, Fernando Sabater and the Councillor for Women, Gender and Immigration, María Dolores Abellán ; have the enormous responsibility of deciding on 26th March, who will be the lucky winners who will share 2,100 euros in prize money.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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