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The Affective Education Workshop - Sexual organized by the Department of Youth deals with issues that transgress his own sexuality of the students involved (19/02/2009)

About 120 students from secondary education third Poet IES Julián Andugar participate until next March 15 in the five group dynamics - roll-playing - provided by the Workshop Affective-Sexual Education courses offered by the psychologist, María Inarejos thanks the Department of Youth.

Eminently practical sessions, addressing issues that violate the students' own sexuality to promote respect for other sexual orientations, gender equality using communication to resolve conflicts between couples and prevent the emergence of jealousy even cases of male violence, and learn to differentiate between love and friendship sex.

"This workshop report beyond existing contraceptive methods for safe sex without risk of disease or unwanted pregnancy, adolescents also teaches basic social skills that will enable them to eliminate stereotypes about sexuality," wanted to highlight the mayor of Youth, Victor Manuel Martinez.

Condoms, even a mailbox slides anonymous suggestions and concerns are some of the materials used to talk about sex in the classroom, a taboo subject for many of the students participating in the workshop.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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