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Santomera, La Matanza, the Bank of Azarbe Sisco and bring three tons of materials to the 'Book Project' dependent on the Autonomous Community (01/02/2009)

The Department of Sustainable Development with the enormous degree of involvement shown by the residents of Santomera, La Matanza, the Bank of Azarbe Sisco and collaboration with local groups like the Association of Future Sharing Aid, has already collected three tons of materials, during the second edition of "Project Book" in the municipality santomerano.

In sum, they have collected about 10,000 books by the organization, which now faces the final stretch of the EcoPark project Santomera, where a group of volunteers the next day 3, 10 and 17 February will address the grading and packaging materials collected by educational level, infant, primary, secondary, college and specialties ranging from languages, to crafts to music.

The Councillor for Sustainable Development, Victor Manuel Martinez, wanted to thank "the contribution of schools and neighbors Santomera, which will have a second life to these books from now property of hundreds of families from Peru, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Paraguay. "

Apart from this collaboration with the 'Book Project' dependent on the Autonomous Community, the Sustainable Development Department remains open throughout the year the EcoPark the municipality to recycle all materials, "our main objective is to promote local awareness beyond specific campaigns, has sought to emphasize the mayor, Victor Manuel Martinez.

Photo: The mayor, Victor Manuel Martinez, together with the project coordinator in Santomera, Juan Antonio Ortega.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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