Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


Santomera will become part of a program to detect colon cancer that has been designed by the Ministry of Health (29/01/2009)

The Ministry of Health Santomera join in a program to detect colon cancer, which this year will benefit all residents of the village aged between 50 and 69, provided a health card, thanks to request for counseling, by the city council of Health.

This program will allow recipients to submit every two years, tests for early detection of colorectal cancer, besides requiring stool samples to check for any traces of blood, in case the results are positive, there would be to make a quick intervention to remove the precancerous lesion.

The mayor, José María Sánchez, head of health area Santomera stressed that "any measure falls short in the fight against this silent disease, colon cancer has the highest number of victims is charged in the region, behind lung cancer. "

Information booth at the weekly market

Precisely mark the International Day Against Cancer, the local board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer-AECC-installed on Wednesday 4 February at the weekly market Santomera, an information booth, to publicize all activities develop the same day under the slogan: 'As all and I like sports. "

PHOTO .- Santomera Mayor Jose Maria Sanchez, and their powers personally manages several months the council of Health.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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