Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


The Santomera retirees and pensioners can enjoy free transport from next March (26/01/2009)

All retirees and pensioners Santomera, the Sisco, La Matanza and Azarbe Shore can enjoy free transport from next March, following a decision by the local authority during the last meeting held in the hall government meeting in Casa Grande.

A failure to finalize the details of the procedures and documentation that must complete the intended beneficiaries, the session santomerano designed this measure under the municipal coffers, to reduce the cost of the largest municipality in the acquisition of the bus pass through free line 36 that provides regular service between Santomera and Murcia.

"This measure is to endorse our commitment to increase social spending, to propose initiatives that will help relieve some of the economic burden our neighbors, resulting from the crisis," stressed the mayor, José María Sánchez.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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