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The Department of Women and Equal Opportunities has offered 20 places for the "Basic Self Defense Course' (20/01/2009)

The santomeranos have well saved the back thanks to 20 free places for the "Basic Self Defense Course," which the council of Women and Equal Opportunities has offered in the municipality, with the aim of preventing violent situations that may arise in full street fight gender violence cases even improve self esteem.

A third dan master of Tae Kwondo first dan in Hapkido and is responsible for providing the practical sessions, which will start on 23 January to 27 March at the Casa de Don Claudio Ros, aimed at both men and women who wish to improve their shape, elasticity and movement coordination, and learn to block attacks from an attacker, making painless and tumbling falls, among other skills.

Councillor for Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities, María Dolores Abellán, stressed "the novelty of the course, so far never been organized with similar characteristics Santomera" adding that "unfortunately it will be useful for those women who still suffer abuse and are powerless. "

Register at Casa Grande in the coming days and come dressed in casual wear, are the only requirements demanded by the council to obtain a place and receive a diploma of the concepts learned, during the nine practice sessions which includes the 'Basic Course Personal Defense. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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