The launch of the 'Agent Tutor' in Santomera, marked a return to classrooms of students in primary and secondary education in the municipality, until the end of this year 08-09 this agent fight against truancy, bullying-bullying - drug use, provide driver's education classes in addition to informing social services about possible cases of child abuse.
Local police and the departments of Social Services and Education and Culture, in collaboration with five schools in Santomera, La Matanza, the Poet Sisco and IES Julián Andugar, have opted for the creation of 'Agent Tutor', whose working hours coincide with the school day for students and teachers themselves, from Monday to Friday mornings.
Councillor for Education and Culture, Civic Maribel, wanted to advance, "This agent will offer several lectures at each site to prevent antisocial behavior and conflict between the educational community", plus the mayor also stressed "the important work of play as a facilitator of communication between teachers, students, youth, police and city hall. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera