This year to commemorate the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Department of Women and Equal Opportunities, has doubled the number of seminars and activities to be held in Santomera to protest this social evil.
Cine-forum workshops, drama with talks focusing on the work being done at the Centers for Victims of Domestic Violence, CAVI, and the relationship between media violence and macho programming focus from 24 until 27 November.
As developments the council has organized a local radio talk show "Radio West" where members of the municipal social services, a psychologist, a Local Police and Civil Guard officer, in addition to the poster contest, "Campaign prevention of gender violence in young couples, which will deal three prizes of 300, 200 and 100 euros on Thursday.
"In 2007 Santomera protested for two consecutive days against sexist attacks in 2008 show our rejection for four days, this council will not cease their work, to educate all residents about the need to denounce such attacks" Councilwoman has Apostille Women and Equal Opportunities, María Dolores Abellán.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera