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Victor Egio Councilman IU-Greens Santomera presents primary for President of the CARM (19/11/2014)

Victor Egio today launched his campaign publicly, "V Left", which will compete with the primary process of IU-Greens to the Presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.

Victor, who is 32 years old and German teacher and researcher in the field of philosophy, comes from a working class family and councilor training Santomera.

It is defined as one of the young men who have fought "for many reasons that seemed fair: Papers for All Murcia No Sell, drama evictions or Gears of Dignity", and thinks that "the decisive battle is to come. "

Victor says that, like many young men his age, "I've never lived beyond my means and have given me that opportunity."

In fact, he adds, "I'm moonlighting to make ends meet and just know conjugate the verb save".

"I am resigned to not having to migrate or live in insecurity," said the candidate, who since 2010 participates in his native town, Santomera a "confluence of acronyms and citizenship '' Alternative for Santomera '," built on the respecting the identity of each and the basic principles of assembly-based democracy. "

This experience "is what I would like to share with the people left in the Region of Murcia," says Egio.

The aim of the campaign for "the recovery of the values ​​and principles of the left to dislodge the corrupt practices of the Popular Party governments have become entrenched in the institutions."

According to the candidate, their commitments are linked, among others, quality employment and return of migrants, mostly young people who left the Murcia region in the absence of expectations, insecurity and unemployment.

It is committed to supporting the establishment of a revocation proceeding for public office that can be promoted by people who have participated in his election, and to seek alternative sources of funding, both at a state grants unbalanced, "only deepen gap between the parties of the regime and those who have come to bury him, "as the credits of the big banks," the same people who have brought ruin to this country and with any campaign with a commitment to real change can not be associated if you want to be credible. "

Victor's candidacy will be presented this evening at 20 pm in the 'South' bar Murcia by singer Domingo Pérez Bermejo.

In this event, the candidate will present their proposals and attendees will have the opportunity to ask him about his views on the situation in the Region of Murcia.

The event is open to participation by all citizens.

Source: IURM

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