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Diocesan Pilgrimage to Collevalenza occasion of the beatification of Mother Esperanza (13/02/2014)

On the occasion of the beatification of Mother Esperanza, the founder of the congregations of the Slaves and Sons of Merciful Love, which will take place on May 31 Collevalenza, the Bishop of Cartagena and the Family of Merciful Love organized a diocesan pilgrimage.

Bishop Lorca Planes encourages diocesan faithful to participate in this pilgrimage and attend the beatification, which he will also attend.

"Hope's mother lit the light of God's merciful love throughout Italy and the world," recalls Mr. Bishop in his pastoral letter for this course.

On July 5, 2013 the decree of beatification of the Venerable Mother Jesus Hope, by selecting the date for the ceremony on May 31 this year at the Shrine of Merciful Love of Collevalenza (Italy) was approved.

The process of canonization of Mother Esperanza began on February 8, 1988 and April 23, 2002 was made public, before the Pope John Paul II, the Decree of Heroic Virtues of Mother Esperanza, giving the title of Venerable.

Twelve years later, on June 14, 2012, the court found medical scientifically inexplicable healing of a child through the intercession of Mother Esperanza.

The faithful who wish to participate in this pilgrimage may do so by selecting one of the three proposed routes, the three will be in plane departing from Alicante.

The first route, six days, will take place from 30 May to 4 June and includes a stay in Rome for three days, the price is around 1,000 euros.

The second route, eight days, will be held from May 27 to June 3, and also in Rome, including a visit to Florence, Venice, Padua and Pisa, and the price is around 1,200.

The third route is the shortest, four days, from May 30 to June 2, and its price is around 800 euros.

Mother Esperanza, a life devoted to love

Da Maria Josefa Alhama Valera was born on September 30, 1893 in Sisco, parish Santomera.

At the age of 22 decided to enter as a cloistered nun in the Daughters of Calvary of Villena, being the youngest of the convent.

Soon after, in 1921, by order of the Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena, and because survival issues, the Daughters of Calvary would merge with the Religious Congregation of the Claretian Mission, now called Teaching Daughters of Mary Immaculate.

It would be in those years when started Mother Hope you grow your human and spiritual formation.

Years later, she was sent to the convent of Vélez Rubio, dedicated to teaching children.

When passing a year of this new destination was moved, this time to Madrid, where he lived with Claretian Fathers, the congregation would also be separated later.

The reason for these transfers was continuing uncertainty of the Holy Mother Church to Hope as a consequence of the observed facts on their person.

It was said that she had noticed some "supernatural", trying to determine whether these events were from God or were only "delusions or fantasies."

Given this situation is put under observation Esperanza Mother of the Holy Office, but soon decides to give a vote of confidence to a person who had demonstrated their dedication to God and His good pleasure.

At Christmas 1930 Mother Esperanza founded the Congregation of Handmaids of Merciful Love in Madrid.

Soon they expanded by various points of the Spanish geography convents of this congregation that housed poor children.

With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War and the eve of World War II, the santomerana travels to Rome in 1936, giving the care of the wounded affected by the bombing and victims of war.

It was at this time that he worked on providing food to those who had nothing then.

During those difficult years also undertakes new foundations of convents in Italy.

The foundation of a new Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love in the Italian city deCollevalenza the August 15, 1951 was a turning point in the biographical trajectory of Mother Esperanza.

It was in this city, which belongs to the Diocese of Todi, where Mother Esperanza is definitely established.

From there the devotion of Merciful Love will quickly develop and spread through Italy, just like years ago I had gotten for various parts of Spain.

In order to spread the concept of the great kindness of God and His boundless love towards men, built in Collevalenza (Italy) the Shrine of Merciful Love, where Mother Esperanza consummated his life devoted entirely to helping the needy.

Attended the pilgrims who came to the sanctuary, listening and giving advice and comfort.

It even says Mother Esperanza "his heart lived in the sky but her feet were on the ground."

His life was marked by various diseases that used to heal, often under the amazement of the doctors who cured.

He died on February 8, 1983 at age 90 in Collevalenza, the city where his mortal remains rest in the crypt of the Shrine of Merciful Love.

The fame of sanctity and miracles took this religious life continued after his death, being launched in 1998 the long process for beatification and canonization.

Source: Obispado de Cartagena

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