Santomera City Council in collaboration with the Federation and the General Guidance for Physical Activity and Sport in the Region of Murcia, organized the Regional Final Guidance School Sports in the categories of juvenile, infant, cadet and youth male and female.
It is the end which brought together about four hundred schools across the region, it enjoyed from 10:30 am on Saturday until about noon, which ended with traditional awards ceremony.
This year's winners received trophies hand Santomera Mayor, José María Sánchez, Director General of Sport and Physical Activity, Antonio Penalver, the President of the Murcia Federation Guidance and the mayor of Sports, Luis Quiñonero.
Mar Garcia Fernandez of San Pablo Ceip, Candel Maria Tomas, Miguel Hernandez and Paula Ceip Ruiz of San Pablo Ceip
H Alevín
Corbalan David Vazquez, Ceip Quipar Valley, Jose A Lopez Palacios, Ceip Quipar Valley and Juan Diego Garcia Molina, Miguel Hernandez Ceip.
Ana Heredia Mendez Ceip Guadalentín Djelloul Daduadji Abif, IES Miguel Hernandez, Paloma Rodriguez Garcia, IES, Emilio Perez Pinero.
Juan Jose Perez Diaz Ros IES Francisco Giner, Francisco Jose Moreno Martínez Ros IES Giner, Juan A, Muñoz Sánchez Orospeda IES.
Er Amina Raqui Emilio Perez Pinero IES, Franco Maria Salvatierra, IES Orospeda, Carmen Soler Bastida, Francisco Ros IES Giner.
Antonio Marin Morenilla, IES Orospeda, Noe Marco Ortuño, IES Azorin, Bernard Dubois Garcia, Francisco Ros IES Giner.
Irene Martinez Forte, IES Castillo Puche Puche Elena Ortuño, IES Azorin, Ana Sanchez Valero, IES Emilio Perez Pinero.
H and Youth
Ivan Montoya Garcia, Emilio Perez Pinero IES, J.
Gonzalez Martinez, IES Valle de Leiva, Alvaro Muñoz Abad, IES Castillo Puche.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera