Santomera City Council, through the Department of Education, Culture and Tourism, today distributed 500 loaves of bread and a dozen liters of oil to some 1,400 schoolchildren to commemorate the 'Day of Healthy Breakfast' in the Education Plan Health.
According to the councilman said Maribel Civic, which has gone to school and Majal Blanco Ricardo Campillo, "what we want from the Department is to encourage smaller than with a healthy breakfast can enjoy and thereby increases the ability to concentrate and school performance as the visual and auditory memory are the functions most frequently affected if the child fast. "
Thus, Civic wanted to convey to all school Santomera, Sisco and the slaughter healthy breakfast can replenish stocks consumed during nighttime sleep and get the energy and nutrients needed to start the day "because it is during the morning when children and adolescents develop their greatest physical and intellectual activity. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera