Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


Councilor Salvador Marín showing interest in the development of the Circle of La Matanza (18/02/2011)

Santomera Mayor, José María Sánchez, and the Minister for Universities and Research Company, Salvador Marín, agreed this morning to sign an agreement between the city and boosting the Autonomous Region to promote the urban development of industrial estates in the Killing immediately.

This agreement has been closed during the course of a meeting at the Ministry, which has also attended by the secretary general of the same, Antonio Sánchez-Solís de Querol.

In this line, the mayor pointed out that the polygon has three million square meters of land and much of the future of Santomera goes through the development of this area for which there are already companies interested "and creating jobs will lead in this time of crisis. "

For his part, Marin has recognized the importance of developing not only Santomera Estate but also for the Region of Murcia, given the location in which it is located: next to the A-7 and Santomera-San Javier motorway.

Other matters

José María Sánchez has also discussed other issues of relevance to the municipality with the adviser, such as the Fair Outlet, which has received full support from Salvador Marin and Santomera shopping area that is around the space Health.

"For them bet and we will do in the pedestrian streets of this area with the aim of promoting trade in our town," the mayor José María Sánchez.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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