The Local Government Board of Santomera City Council has asked the Regional Cadastre Management to initiate the general collective valuation procedure for all properties of the municipality with the aim of equating their cadastral value to its real value and its current urban classification.
The IBI is the main source of funding for municipalities and consists of two elements: the cadastral value and the tax rate.
The cadastral value is determined by the Regional Cadastre Management based on the location, the cost of the material execution of the buildings, the use, the quality and the building age, the market values ​​and the value of the land.
The last cadastral valuation carried out in the municipality dates from 2005, with a presentation of values ​​approved during the validity of the repealed Subsidiaries of Municipal Planning.
"Immediately after the final approval of the General Municipal Urban Development Plan, in 2008, a request should have been made for a cadastral review to adapt the new cadastral values ​​to the urban classification of the lands in accordance with the new standard "Says the mayor of Santomera, Inmaculada Sánchez Roca.
In addition to the cadastral value, the municipalities have the possibility of adjusting the tax rate through their fiscal ordinances.
The tax rate in Santomera was changed downwards for the first time in eight years in November 2015, which meant a 4% drop in the 'contribution' receipts.
The excessive cadastral value assigned to real estate of the municipality, higher than the real market value given the seniority of the cadastral values ​​in force (2005), "added to the passivity of the PP, who for eight years did not want to reduce the rate Tax, makes IBI a problem for many neighbors. "
"A cadastral review procedure that adjusts real estate and land to the current reality will make it possible for us to have a fairer tax and to continue advancing in the lowering of the IBI receipt that we started a year and a half ago with the reduction of the tax rate," he says. The mayoress.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera