Portal de Santomera


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The Civil Guard stops en route to a driver with six kilos of marijuana (31/12/2019)

In the rest area of ​​Santomera, A-7 sense Alicante |

The alleged perpetrator of drug trafficking crime is attributed to the arrested

Part of the marijuana was distributed in airtight bags and another large amount of buds, in garbage bags

The arrested person has been placed in pretrial detention

The Civil Guard of the Region of Murcia has arrested an English citizen after being surprised while driving on the A-7 motorway, at the height of the Rest Area of ​​Santomera, with six kilos of marijuana hidden in large displacement tourism that I was driving

He is credited with the alleged authorship of drug trafficking crime.

The action began when civil guards specialized in Prevention of Citizen Security established a verification control of people and vehicles in the rest area of ​​Santomera, as it passes through the A-7 motorway, direction Alicante.

One of the drivers, who circulated in a large displacement tourism, irregularly slowed his march with the supposed intention of avoiding police control, which raised the suspicions of the agents.

The civil guards indicated to their driver that they should go to an authorized area where they began the work of personal identification and the vehicle, at which time they perceived the strong smell of marijuana that emanated from inside.

In view of these indications, the agents inspected the tourism and found, distributed in different rooms, several garbage bags containing numerous bags, vacuum packed, with green substance, as well as other garbage bags with an abundant number of buds of marijuana.

The seized substances threw a total weight of six kilos of cannabis sativa, so the driver of male tourism, 30 years old, English nationality and neighbor of Benidorm (Alicante) was arrested as alleged perpetrator of drug trafficking crime.

The arrested, the errands and the seized drugs have been made available to the Court of Instruction of Murcia, which has decreed his entry into pretrial detention.

Source: Ministerio del Interior

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