The Minister of Finance, Fernando de la Cierva, states that regional public accounts "strengthen the welfare state with more spending on education, health and social policy"
The president of the PP in Santomera highlights the 33 million euros allocated to the municipality with a commitment to "increase social benefits"
January 25.
The Popular Party today took to Santomera the "Breakfasts with the Society" where it has gathered about a hundred people, representatives of the associative, business and economic fabric, before which the Minister of Finance, Fernando de la Cierva, the General Director of Budgets , Begoña Iniesta, the spokesman of the Popular Parliamentary Group, Victor Martinez and the president of the PP in the municipality, José Mª Sánchez have shelled the General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of 2019 and from which they have collected their suggestions and contributions.
The spokesman of the Popular Parliamentary Group has underlined the "municipalist" character of regional budgets that "supply the shortcomings of the municipal governments of the PSOE, as happens in Santomera" he said to add "here we must make an effort to cope with the government's inability socialist to address the ordinary and daily problems of citizens in an appropriate way ".
"Santomera needs a radical change, it needs an impulse" he added adding that "it is another municipality that was stagnant in May 2015" and has defined the PP's "for freedom, for more and better jobs, services and better quality of life for neighbors. "
The Minister of Finance, Fernando de la Cierva, has pointed out, for his part, the social aspect of the regional public accounts "with 8 out of 10 euros destined to strengthen the welfare state".
And he recalled that budgets in education have the greatest economic contribution "never consigned to guarantee the program of free books and education from 0 to 3 years", "are powerful measures always respecting the freedom of choice of parents" .
In the same sense has referred to the health, "we allocate 56 million euros more to deal with the reduction of waiting lists and spread throughout the region programs such as screening for colon cancer and breast."
De la Cierva wanted to highlight especially the implementation in the current exercise of the social concert, "is a measure that guarantees stability in the provision of aid to those most in need and people dependent on social services," he said.
"They are responsible budgets that lower taxes, create more employees, leave no one behind with a powerful welfare state", concluded the regional head of the Treasury.
The president of the PP in Santomera, José Mª Sánchez, highlighted the 33 million euros that the municipality will receive from the regional budget and recalled that the municipality has not yet approved its accounts for this year.
He also agreed with Victor Martinez that the regional economic endowments "will alleviate the many deficiencies and deficiencies that the municipal government provides to the santomeranos".
Source: PP Región de Murcia