Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


Santomera, with a decrease of 7% in crimes in the last year, is one of the four safest areas with the lowest crime rate in the Region of Murcia (29/10/2018)

With a decrease of 7% in criminal offenses during the last year, Santomera is one of the four safest areas with the lowest crime rate in the Region of Murcia, as reported this morning by the government delegate, Diego Conesa, during the development of the Local Safety Board of the town, which has chaired with its mayor, Inmaculada Sánchez, and that, for the first time, has been held in the newly rehabilitated Casa del Huerto.

"This figure is the result of a great work of coordination between the Local Police and the Civil Guard and that not only refers to the municipality of Santomera, but includes a much wider space, with several districts bordering the municipality of Murcia, as well as a stretch of the A-7 and the rest area of ​​it, "explained the Government delegate, who was especially grateful for the work done by the local Civil Guard barracks for the hundreds of complaints drafted and processed, from throughout the Region of Murcia, in relation to the conflict with the company idental.

The mayor of Santomera has stressed the need to continue strengthening this collaboration and coordination with the Government Delegation to maintain these good figures, and has taken the opportunity to announce the signing of the Viogen agreement with the Civil Guard by establishing various coordination protocols and collaboration on gender violence.

"This is a pioneering agreement in the region, the result of this joint work with the Government Delegation, and is great news for women in our municipality," said Inmaculada Sánchez.

In this way, the Santomera local police will have access to the intranet of the Integral Monitoring System in the cases of Gender Violence, which has among its objectives to bring together the different public institutions that have competences in matters of gender violence, integrating all the information of interest that is deemed necessary, making predictions of risk and, taking into account that level of risk, carrying out an adequate follow-up and providing protection to victims throughout the national territory.

This system also performs preventive work, issuing warnings, alerts and alarms, through the "Automated Notification Subsystem" when an incident or event is detected that could endanger the integrity of the victim.

Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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