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The judge files the complaint for prevarication against the mayor and the mayor of Urbanism (24/07/2018)

The mayor of Santomera, Inmaculada Sánchez Roca, the councilor for Urbanism, Joaquín Rubio, and the municipal architect, Tomás Franco, did not prevaricate against the quarry that Arimesa has been exploiting in the area of ​​Zacacho.

This has been determined, with all rotundity, the holder of the Court of Instruction number 8 of Murcia, for whom it has not even been necessary to take a statement as investigated before filing the complaint filed by the aforementioned merchant.

The complaint now filed accuses of a crime of prevarication by omission both the socialist councilor as its first deputy mayor, Alternativa by Santomera, and the municipal architect.

However, the judge has ruled against the complaining party and discredits that the City Council has deliberately obstructed the granting of the urban compatibility certificate that Arimesa needs to obtain the sole environmental authorization and, with it, a new activity license.

In this regard, it should be noted that a final judgment of the Superior Court of Justice ordered the closure of the quarry facilities in 2015 for lacking a valid activity license, since the one issued in 1974 by the Santomera Civil Government was then a district of Murcia only allowed the crushing and classification of aggregates, but not the extractive activities of a quarry.

The Prosecutor's Office does not doubt either

Although the decision can be appealed, the judge's conclusions are quite conclusive: "The perpetration of the offense that claims to be imputed to the defendants could not have been duly justified," he stresses, noting that "although it is true that they intervened in some of the appropriate administrative resolutions, in no way is it possible that they act or incur in knowing their injustice and arbitrariness ".

In the same vein, the Public Prosecutor's Office has stated that it does not consider the facts to be accredited and recalls in its letter that the Consistory has in fact issued several compatibility certificates.

"It is evident that there is a serious conflict between the company, which is fighting not to close the company by virtue of the execution of a final judgment that agrees, and the City Council, which intends to execute a closure in compliance with a judicial decision. and comply with the issuance of the urban compatibility certificate, "stresses the prosecutor.

"We can not and should not subject the investigated to the penalty bench for the existence of a conflict between the parties described."

The Prosecutor's Office does not doubt either

Both the municipal councilor and his first deputy mayor have appeared this morning before the media to assess the car that shelves the matter, dated last Friday and of which they had knowledge at the last minute of yesterday.

In his resolution, the instructor annuls the order with which he decided to open proceedings against the socialist councilor and his first deputy mayor, of Alternativa by Santomera, and ordered the provisional dismissal of the case.

"It shows that we were right when we said that all this corresponded to the action of the company, interested only in damaging the image of the government team through a strategy of harassment and blackmail.It also shows that this City Council respects the law, which no one is going to move us from that strict compliance and we will never participate in office arrangements ", Roca and Rubio pointed out.

"In the end these three years have taken a lot of time, but the important thing is our management, which today is endorsed much more as decent and honest, which has reduced the debt, which has caused new companies to settle in the municipality, which has reduced unemployment, which has provided schools with better facilities, which has recovered heritage and revitalized the neighborhoods of the municipality equally, "they added.

Finally, they have demanded the owner of the company, José García-Balibrea, a "public apology to the people of Santomera for having dragged his name in the defense of particular interests that have damaged our heritage over forty years in a situation of illegality about which there is no doubt ".

They have also pointed to the PP and Citizens, "for having folded to those particular interests and not the common good of the municipality." Finally, they have thanked "the support of the people who have always been with us: our government team, our families, our neighbors and our fellow party members. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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