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The sixth edition of CiTA starts tomorrow with six companies and 2,300 euros in prizes (17/05/2018)

The mayor of Santomera, Inmaculada Sánchez Roca, and the Councilor for Culture, María Jesús Férez, presented this morning the sixth edition of the International Amateur Theater Competition of Santomera (CiTA).

They have done it in the Theater of El Siscar, on whose stage will be performed until next May 27 six works, by other companies.

Two of them, the local Mar Teatro and Theater Group of El Siscar, will be out of competition, while the remaining four, Sinfín (Alhama de Murcia), UGTeatro (Murcia), Tejuba (Las Torres de Cotillas) and Gaudint (La Nucía, Alicante), will compete for the 2,300 euros in prizes put in contention by the Department of Culture.

During the presentation, the mayor highlighted the opportunity to take the CiTA to El Siscar, "a town strongly linked to the theater."

"It is an ideal opportunity to please that secular hobby of the siscareños for the art of the tables and to bring to this town a cultural program of excellent level", said Inma Sánchez Roca.

The Councilor for Culture, meanwhile, has put the focus on the "transgressive" graphic communication campaign of this sixth edition of the contest, inspired by the slogan '#MuchaMierda': "We wanted to break with the typical, we have dared to break for the CiTA to be on everyone's lips. "

Each of the four selected groups will receive three hundred to cover assembly and travel expenses;

the remaining 1,100 euros will be distributed by virtue of the verdict of the jury, composed of recognized actors, authors and directors of the Murcian scene.

Thus, the winner of the Best Show Award will receive an additional five hundred euros, while the prize money for the Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress will each have a prize of two hundred euros.

Complete programming

The Theater Group of El Siscar will be responsible for the first performance (Friday May 18, 9:30 pm, Theater of El Siscar), 'Peach in syrup', a fun comedy for all audiences of Miguel Mihura, adapted and directed for the occasion by Antonio Gil.

This Saturday (20 hours) it will be the turn of the Cultural Association Sinfín Theater, directed by José María Cánovas, which will bring 'Mantua', by Salvador Serrano, while UGTeatro will close the weekend (Sunday, 19 hours) with 'Colón , verses of art less for an illustrious male ', original work by Alberto Miralles directed by Jorge Fullana and María Ángeles Rodríguez.

Tejuba will be responsible for redrawing the curtain of the Theater of El Siscar on Friday, May 25 (9:30 pm) with 'Bajar al moro', written by José Luis Alonso and directed by Joaquín Cantero.

'Punk rock', by Simon Stephens, represented by Gaudint Teatre and directed by Manel Gimeno, will close on Saturday, May 26 (20 hours), the fourth of competing works.

The next day (Sunday 27, 19 hours) will close the sixth edition of CiTA with 'Your life in 65 minutes', by Albert Espinosa, staged by Mar Teatro, a local group headed by Mauricio Martínez, and with the subsequent distribution of trophies.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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